Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Periodontal Ligament Health And Social Care Essay

The periodontic ligament has assorted maps, in peculiar tooth support and eruption, related to its structurally complex administration. This is shown through its extended development trusting on the timing of events such as dentine formation so that the cells of the dental follicle can distinguish into those cells required to bring forth the periodontic ligament. The organisation of these cells in the mature periodontic ligament is indispensable in giving the tissue structural unity every bit good as enabling it to be compressed, which is of import to let for orthodontic motion every bit good as in maps such as chew. The fibroblast can be seen to be peculiarly of import in bring forthing the collagen fibres indispensable for back uping the construction as a whole. The PDL is hence seen is a complex specialised conjunction tissue, with much that still remains unknown about it.1. IntroductionThe periodontium are the tissues that environment and back up the dentition, dwelling of: the g um, periodontic ligament, cementum and alveolar bone. The periodontic ligament ( PDL ) is a specialised connective tissue formed of cells and fibers embedded in a land substance incorporating cells, blood vass and nervousnesss. It is located between the root cementum of the tooth and alveolar bone covering the socket wall ; the country it occupies is the periodontic infinite. The ligament is uninterrupted with connective tissue of the gum every bit good as the mush chamber. The PDL is of involvement due to its importance in organizing an fond regard between the tooth and alveolar bone, which means that disease, can distribute easy from the unwritten pit through the back uping constructions of the dentition ( via the PDL/periodontium ) . Figure 1 – The PDL is shown in blue ( Nagal et al 2008 ) . 2. Function Tooth support mechanism The PDL is a robust tissue fond regard between the tooth and alveolar bone. It acts as a daze absorber to defy any occlusal forces and masticatory tonss, whilst protecting underlying tissues such as the root vertex. There are three chief constructions commanding tooth support: collagen fibers, land substance and vasculature. Experiments carried out by Kawada, Komatsu et Al ( 2000 ) on rat molar dentition show that collagen fibers can bear a high mechanical burden Fibres attach to the cementum of the tooth on one side and to the alveolar bone on the other side. They have a wavy orientation or ‘crimp ‘ due to cross-linking of the proteoglycans ( Gathercole, Keller et Al, 1983 ) . In burden, fibres uncrimp so stretch. It is suggested folds are involved in the initial phases of burden, leting some motion before the tissue is placed under tenseness. Fibroblasts are parallel to the collagen fibers. They attach to collagen via a fibronexus fond regard called plaque and can orientate the extracellular matrix ( Harris, Stopak, Wild et Al, 1981 ) . Fibroblasts are indispensable in tooth support due to their high rate of collagen turnover ; if they are damaged there is a rapid loss of back uping tissue of the tooth. Proteoglycans found in land substance lessening in molecular-weight fraction when tonss are applied. This is shown by an experiment carried out by Picton, Stanbury et Al ( 1987 ) on macae monkey dentition. There was a lessening in peak size of proteoglycans on application of tonss of 1N and a farther lessening in peak size by about 0.15 A280 unit with tonss of 4N. After a three hr recovery period there was an addition in molecular size of proteoglycans. It has been said the PDL is a suspensory ligament so the tonss are spread through oblique fibers running across the ligament to the alveolar bone. This theory relies on Hooke ‘s jurisprudence of elastic kick proposing if the tooth is pushed, it would react to the force proportionately. Therefore, the PDL responds elastically to coerce being applied. However, I do non believe this is feasible because of surveies carried out on nomadic dentitions by Parfitt et Al ( 1960 ) where a human upper jaw incisor was taken and the place of it measured at intervals before, during and after load application. The response produced a curving graph of burden against supplanting as shown in figure 2, whereas if the response was elastic a consecutive lined graph would be produced. This suggests that hysteresis is the likely method of tooth support as there is deficiency of supplanting with increased force because the system has memory. An experiment carried out by Moxham et Al ( 1989 ) on incisor dentitions of guinea hogs suggests dentitions exhibit a viscoelastic response to axial directed tonss. This is because the response of burden application is biphasic ; ab initio there is an elastic response followed by a slower, gradual response demoing a syrupy stage. Figure 2 – this graph is an axial load/mobility curve for a human upper jaw incisor to demo hysteresis. Consecutive tonss pass along different waies ( hysteresis cringles ) . ( Parfitt et al 1960 ) . The first stage demoing an elastic more additive response can be seen, every bit good as the 2nd more gradual syrupy stage. 2.2 Tooth eruption and impetus mechanisms For eruption to happen there must be a mechanism to bring forth the eruptive forces, processes where these forces are transferred to environing tissues enabling the tooth to be supported in place, so reconstructing of the periodontium to prolong the tooth. The periodontium is likely to be the beginning of the force for eruption. One position suggests that the force is produced by fibroblast contractibility whereas another position suggests that vascular hydrostatic force per unit areas are responsible. It has besides been proposed that a ‘zone of shear ‘ is a site of remodelling during eruption. Fibroblast contractility hypothesis Fibroblasts with smooth musculus cells such as ?-smooth musculus actin are called myofibroblasts. These make connexions with extracellular matrix through fibronexus. Myofibroblasts are thought to exercise tenseness on their extracellular matrix doing tooth eruption. When a fibroblast is placed in civilization with a piece of root dentine it can travel the piece of dentine. Therefore it has been suggested contraction of fibroblasts in the development PDL is responsible for ‘pulling ‘ the tooth into the unwritten pit. Opposing grounds for this, such as an experiment carried out by the usage of lathyrogens ( drugs that inhibits collagen cross ) , in gnawer incisors showed that eruption was unaffected so collagen fibers are non required for eruption ( Berkovitz, Moxham, Newham et Al, 1995 ) . Vascular hydrostatic force per unit area hypothesis This hypothesis suggests that an eruptive force is generated by blood force per unit area act uponing the periodontic tissue hydrostatic force per unit areas. Position of dentitions can alter in synchronism with arterial pulsation ( movements up to 0.4um Berkovitz et Al ( 2008 ) and when arterial pulsation is zero, eruption does non happen farther back uping this hypothesis. Experimentally, utilizing hypotensive drugs there is an addition in eruptive motion due to an addition in periodontic hydrostatic force per unit areas. Stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system causes vasoconstriction therefore a reduced periodontic tissue force per unit area and decreased tooth eruption, but eruption starts once more one time the stimulation is removed. I think there is cogency in both hypotheses as tooth motion, whether it is eruption or impetus, could be caused by both of these. Although there is important grounds against the fibroblast hypothesis, it may still lend to tooth motion, but may non entirely be the cause of tooth eruption. 2. 3 Formation, care and fix of alveolar bone and cementum Cells are contained within the ligament in a reservoir and are available when needed for tissue homeostasis and repair/ regeneration. These are uniform mesenchymal cells which are produced to equilibrate out cells migrating out of the PDL or cells that dice. These cells include cementoblasts, cementoclasts, bone-forming cells and osteoclasts. Changes in forces involved in growing and impetus stimulate bone and cementum formation or reabsorption. Figure 3: Histological position of the Bone remodelling sequence ( Grigoriadis A, 2008 ) . Osteoblasts form bone whereas the osteoclasts resorb it. Extrinsic Sharpey fibers enter bone sheer from chief fibers of the PDL. Stem cells for bone-forming cells are found in the PDL. Osteoblasts are bone organizing cells that line the tooth socket, they synthesise collagen matrix and go enclosed in the matrix. They besides produce growing factors and may play a function in osteoclast map. Cementum is easy formed throughout life leting reattachment of PDL fibers, which are seen as a calcified portion of the cementum. Aceullar extrinsic fiber cementum as shown in figure 5 is derived from PDL Sharpey ‘s fibers that run into precementum. These are good mineralised extrinsic fibers and organize the matrix of cementum. 2. 4 Control of chew Sensory nervus fibers of the PDL are associated with mechanoreception via mechanoreceptors that have a low threshold and can be activated with tonss of 0.01 N ( Berkovitz et al, 2008 ) . Endings of mechanoreceptors are Ruffini-like and react proportionately to coerce applied. Mechanoreceptors are involved in masticatory and salivary physiological reactions. Sensory nerves from anterior dentitions convey information about contact between nutrient and the dentition, hence changing the force needed to pull strings the nutrient between dentitions. They modulate activity of the motor nerve cells of the nervus hypoglosus nervus involved in commanding the place of the lingua in chew. The PDL is involved in the jaw opening nonvoluntary physiological reaction which is triggered by mechanical or electrical stimulations being applied to unwritten mucous membrane, PDL or dentitions. A stronger stimulation produces a greater response. This is one theory that controls chew, another is that it is consciously controlled through instructions from the motor cerebral mantle. The beat generator theory suggests chew relies on cardinal spiel generators within the brain-stem. Fibroblast contractility is involved in chew as it allows for growing of the jaw. Their association with peculiar constituents of the matrix allows them to react to alterations in tenseness and compaction of extracellular matrix. Integrins are mechanostransducers that bind to extracellular matrix constituents to convey this stimulation to fibroblasts. Fibroblasts besides realign collagen filaments by drawing them back towards the cell. Fibroblasts and collagen fibers align parallel to the way of strain in the matrix. 3. DEVELOPMENT Overview The PDL signifiers after root formation begins. The internal and external epithelial tissue proliferate to organize Hertwig ‘s epithelial root sheath ( HERS ) . HERS fragments due to growing alterations and organize epithelial cell remainders of Malassez ( ERM ) . Now during tooth development, PDL formation begins ( in the cap phase ) . The enamel organ and HERS are surrounded by a dental pouch formed of condensed cells called the dental follicle. Cells of the dental follicle differentiate into cementoblasts, fibroblasts and bone-forming cells. Fibroblasts synthesise fibers and land substance of the PDL. Fibres become embedded in cementum ( formed by cementoblasts ) next to the dentine and in the bone laid down by the bone-forming cells at the other terminal. The PDL infinite is filled with an unorganized connective tissue between bone and cementum. This is remodeled by the extracellular matrix and is replaced by packages of fibers which become reorganized tissue, uninterrupted across the ligament infinite to procure fond regard of the tooth. This initial fond regard is modified after tooth eruption and one time occlusion establishes. 3.1 Embryonic Development The nervous tubing ( embryo ‘s precursor to the CNS ) develops via introversion of the exoderm into mesenchyme, following this nervous crest cells migrate to the dorsal midplane of nervous tubing and occupy the developing branchial arches Bronner-Fraser et Al ( 1995 ) . These ectomesenchymal cells when concentrated form the dental papilla and dental follicle Moxham et Al ( 1995 ) . Interactions between matrix adhesion molecules, syndecan and tenascin cut down migration and promote collection of ectomesenchymal cells promoting formation of the dental papilla and follicle Vainio, Thesleff et Al ( 1992 ) . The dental papilla is involved in formation of the tooth root including odontoblasts and dental mush. The dental follicle differentiates organizing the PDL cells every bit good as other cells of the periodontium, such as bone-forming cells and cementoblasts ( Yao, Pan, Wise et Al, 2008 ) . The dental follicle is seeable in the cap phase ( embryologic twenty-four hours 15 ) of development and signifiers from cranial nervous crest cells ( Chai et al, 2000 ) . It is required for eruption as it regulates osteoclastogenesis and osteogenesis ( Marks and Cahill et Al, 1984 ) ( Wise et al, 2005 ) . Evidence for development of the periodontium was proven by Nanci A et Al ( 1971 ) when tooth buds were labeled with tritiated thymidine and transplanted. Cementoblasts and fibroblasts in the development cell were labeled demoing that they originated from the transplanted tooth bud and as the dental follicle was merely transported with the tooth bud so it must be the beginning of primogenitor cells for the cementum, bone and fibroblasts. Work carried out by Palmer and Lumsden et Al ( 1987 ) confirmed this. Figure 4 shows the Cap phase of tooth development ( Cho and Garant at al 2000 ) This is the 2nd phase of development after the bud phase where the epithelial invaginates into the mesenchyme. At the cap phase the epithelial-mesenchymal interactions are still happening, but there is a greater difference between the cell types of the enamel organ. Centrally the cells are more rounded, whereas peripherally the cells are set uping themselves to organize the external and internal epithelial tissue. By late cap phase ( 12th hebdomad ) , the cardinal cells become detached merely keeping contact by desmosomes. This tissue is called the stellate Reticulum and develops further in the bell phase. The EEE remains cubelike whereas the IEE becomes columnar. The mesenchyme below the IEE is called the alveolar consonant papilla and that environing the tooth source is the dental follicle. Development of the PDL relies on the formation of root dentine and synthesis of cementum. As HERS encloses the dental papilla, distinction of odontoblasts is initiated from cells at the fringe of the dental papilla and formation of root dentine and atomization of the epithelial root sheath allows migration of dental follicle cells towards dentine and allows distinction into cementoblasts ( Cho and Garant et Al, 1988 ) . There are two chief cells types of the PDL ; mesenchymal cells of the dental follicle perifollicular mesenchymal cells Cells of the perifollicular mesenchyme are stellate-shaped, little, indiscriminately orientated, widely spaced. They have a little cytol incorporating unsmooth endoplasmic Reticulum, free ribosomes and long cytoplasmatic procedures to link with adjacent cells. As root formation progresses these cells addition in mutual opposition and man-made activity. They become extended with increased protein releasing cell organs enabling them to synthesize and lodge collagen filaments and glycoproteins in the development PDL ( Cho, Garant et Al, 1996 ) . 3.2 Development of the Fibres of the PDL Chief fibers of the PDL organize the chief part of the ligament and are found at the freshly formed root dentine, associated with fibroblasts. Collagen fibers are tightly packed by cementoblasts during development of noncellular extrinsic fiber cementum. In tooth eruption, fibers spread and merge across the breadth of the ligament to organize chief fibre packages. In the center of the ligament collagen fibers are less tightly packed. The bulk of chief fibers are coronal fibers running from the cementum to cram organizing the oblique fibers, which occupies two tierces of the ligament ( Grant, Berwich et al, 1972 ) . Agreement of oblique fibers allows for forces of chew to be absorbed. Histologically there are distinguishable fibre types shown in figure 7. As the root develops chief fibers become uninterrupted as Sharpey ‘s fibers in mineralised bone and noncellular cementum. Sharpey fibers are cemented into bone or cementum by a nonfibrillar matrix. Principal fibres develop earl ier in deciduous dentitions. All right brush-like fibers radiate from cementum, merely a few fibers project from the alveolar bone and widen into the unorganised collagenic cardinal zone. Sharpey fibers are thicker and more widely spaced than cementum fibers. They emerge from bone and widen towards the tooth, unknoting as they go. Cemented fibers still remain short. Alveolar fibers extend farther into the cardinal zone to fall in the length of the cemental fibers. With occlusal map, chief fibres become thicker and more uninterrupted ( Grant, Berwich et al, 1972 ) . 3.3 Development of the Cells of the PDL Tissues of the dental follicle in the developing root have three beds. Inner layer following to HERS. It is derived from the ectomesenchyme ( nervous crest beginning ) Outer bed next to the developing alveolar bone ( mesoblastic beginning ) Middle bed ( mesoblastic beginning ) Cells of the dental follicle give rise to cementoblasts, fibroblasts and bone-forming cells of the PDL. Fibroblasts are the chief cell type of the PDL and metabolize extracellular constituents. Osteoblast-like fibroblasts have besides been found incorporating alkalic phosphatase ( Lie, Yacobi, Savion, Narayan, Pitaru et Al, 1997 ) . These cells form bone cells and cementoblasts and bring forth aceullar extrinsic fiber cementum in the mature PDL ( Groeneveld, Everts et Al, 1995 ) . In eruption there may be alterations in non-fibrous extracellular matrix and the vascularity of PDL. Osteoclasts appear at the alveolar bone surface leting bone to reconstruct in association with tooth eruption and bone growing. Undifferentiated root cells are besides found as the PDL develops and once it is mature. These can distinguish into bone-forming cells, cementoblasts and fibroblasts. Research suggests these root cells are found in perivascular sites and in next endosteal infinites. They mature farther after migration into bone or cementum surfaces ( Mcculloch et al, 1993 ) . Further research needs to be carried out to find whether there is a common primogenitor cell for cementoblasts, fibroblasts and bone-forming cells. Some say cementoblasts arise from HERS every bit good as the dental follicle ( Zeichner-David et Al, 2003 ) others say that all of the cementoblasts arise from the dental follicle ( Diekwisch, 2001 ) . 3.4 Development of the Vasculature of the PDL Nerve fibers are seen in the mush, nevertheless few are found in the lower dental follicle that will organize the PDL. With root formation and eruption, nervousnesss adjacent to the bone grow into the PDL with blood. Centripetal excitation is established one time the ligament is to the full organised after eruption. Blood vass are derived from the periapical country from which they enter and pass upwards in the ligament. During eruption the tooth receives vass from the gum and capillaries of these dentitions may be extremely fenestrated.. 3.5 Molecular Mechanisms Development of the PDL is dependent on the extracellular matrix which regulates collagen filament formation ( McCulloch et al, 2000 ) . Small leucine rich proteoglycans such as lumican and decorin regulate administration of collagen filaments in development which was proven in decorin deficient mice by Matheson et Al ( 2005 ) . In contrast to this, Yamada et Al ( 2001, 2007 ) found that PDL-associated protein is specifically expressed in the dental follicle and mature PDL, which interacts with bone morphogenetic protein-2 to suppress the mineralisation of the PDL. Periostin is an adhesion protein which is expressed in the dental follicle, Rios et Al ( 2005 ) and Kia et Al ( 2006 ) suggest it is required for care of the PDL and is involved in the oncoming of periodontic disease. This is from research on periostin deficient mice demoing disorganized PDL and alveolar bone reabsorption.TGF?1/2 and BMP-4 are critical regulators in distinction of connective tissues such as the PDL ( Vainio et al, 1993 ) . 4. ANATOMY The PDL is the specialised connective tissue between the cementum covering the root of the tooth and the bone organizing the socket wall. It ranges in breadth from 0.15mm to 0.38mm Berkovitz et Al ( 2008 ) . The thinnest part is around the in-between tierce of the root which decreases in thickness with age. The mature PDL is subdivided into three parts ( Sloan, Carter et al, 1995 ) . – Bone-related part rich in cells and blood vass, – Cementum-related part with heavy well-ordered collagen packages – Center zone incorporating fewer cells and dilutant collagen filaments Dentine- side of PDL Bone- side of PDL Figure 5: Sharpey ‘s fibers extend into the dentine and alveolar bone on both sides. These are extensions of the chief fibers widening across the PDL infinite Fibroblasts Blood vass Extracellular Matrix ( I ) Collagen fibers Collagen is a quaternate protein formed of amino acids, glycine and proline, that coil into a ternary spiral to organize strong fibers found in connective tissues of ligaments and sinews. Collagen fibres consist of microfibrils composed of tropocollagen molecules. Collagen packages are found in the PDL embedded in an formless ( shapeless ) background stuff, land substance ( Nanci and Bosshardt et Al, 2006 ) . Hempen collagens The bulk of collagen is present as Type 1 and Type III hempen collagens in a ratio of 3:1 ( Berkovitz et al, 2008 ) . Approximately 70-80 % of PDL collagen is type 1 ( Wagle et al, 2005 ) .This is a major constituent of most connective tissues, such as tegument and bone. Type III collagen is found at the fringe of Sharpey ‘s fibers and close nervousnesss and blood vass, every bit good as high sums being found in immature developing tissues and in granulation tissue Berkovitz et Al ( 2004 ) . 15 % of collagen is found to be type III collagen of unknown map. However it is associated with sites of the organic structure with a rapid turnover and is found covalently linked to type I collagen throughout the PDL ( Berkovitz, Holland, Moxham, 1992 ) . Non -fibrous collagens Type V, VI, XII – Type VI collagen is absent from the center of the ligament during the eruptive stage, whereas Type XII collagen appears after eruption tardily in development. There may be increased Type V collagen in periodontic disease. Type IV, VII -these are basement membrane collagens of blood vass and epithelial cell remainders. Non -fibrous collagens act to keep hempen collagens in a 3-dimensional web. Evidence of this was seen in transgenic mice ( DNA from another being ) with a mutant of collagen type Twelve where there is a break of the agreement of collagen fibers ( Berkovitz, Holland Moxham et Al, 1992 ) . The diameter of collagen filaments is little, with a mean of 50 nanometer. There are no age-related alterations, but the diameter may alter with periodontic disease. A specialised characteristic of collagen in the PDL is its high rate of turnover which may be the fastest in anyplace in the organic structure, these characteristics are quantified in Figure 6. The turnover is non related to functional considerations ( Berkovitz et al, 2004 ) . Figure 6 – This qualitatively shows the specialised characteristics of the PDL compared to the gingival tissue ( Berkovitz et al 2004 ) . It can be seen that the turnover rate in the PDL is five times every bit fast as that in the gum, which is related to the increased sum of Type III collagen. Chief fibers These are about 5micron collagen fiber bundles that run across the PDL and infix into cementum and bone on each terminal. The alveolar crest group – attached to the cementum below the CEJ. They run downwards and outwards to infix into the air sac. The horizontal group – apical to the alveolar crest group. Run at right angles to the long axis of the tooth from the cementum to the bone. The oblique group – the most legion group. They run from the cementum sidelong to infix into bone coronally. The apical group – radiate from the cementum around the vertex of the root to the bone. They form the base of the socket The interradicular group – are found between the roots of multirooted dentitions. They run from the cementum into the bone organizing the crest of the interradicular septum. Figure 7 – Chief fibre groups of the PDL ( Nanci A EL Al Oral Histology P.266 ( 2003 ) ( A ) Transseptal, ( B ) Alveolar crest, ( C ) Horizontal, ( D ) Oblique ( Tocopherol ) Apical ( F ) Interradicular There is contention over the extent of the single fibers traversing the breadth of the PDL. Position 1 There are distinguishable tooth-related and bone-related fibers that intercalate near the center of the ligament as an intermediate rete. This rete explains how the forces of tooth eruption may be sustained However this may be an artifact related to collagen fibers in turning incisors looking as sheets instead than packages. Position 2 This is a more recent position proposing the fibers cross the full breadth of the periodontic infinite but subdivision en path and articulation neighbouring fibers to organize a complex 3-dimensional web. I think a complex web of fibers is more likely in the PDL due to the functional demands placed on it and for it to carry through its maps of tooth support and eruption. Sharpey ‘s Fibers The part of chief fibers embedded into bone or cementum are known as Sharpey ‘s fiber. In primary noncellular cementun fibers are to the full mineralised, nevertheless those in cellular cementum and bone are partly mineralised at their fringe. Sharpey ‘s fibers can infix uninterrupted into the bone of the alveolar procedure and continue as chief fibers of an next PDL fond regard. They have a complex construction and lace-like form and can widen buccally and linguistically with fibers of the periosteum. The gingival ligament is besides involved in keeping functional unity and is formed of groups found in the lamina propria of the gum. Figure 8- Sharpey ‘s fibers hypertext transfer protocol: // ( 28/02.10, 23.19 ) 4.1 ( two ) Oxytalan fibers These are pre-elastin fibers organizing about 3 % of all fibers of the PDL ( Berkovitz et al, 2004 ) . They are attached into the cementum of the tooth and cross out as a delicate web into the PDL. They are concentrated in the cervical part of the ligament where they run parallel to the gingival group of collagen fibers. In the chief portion of the PDL they are longitudinal and traverse the oblique fibres sheer. The oxytalan fibres terminate around blood vas. These fibers increase in figure and thickness in dentitions that carry abnormally high tonss such as abutment dentitions for Bridgess. They may hold some function in tooth support in relation to vasculature. Oxytalan microfibrils are similar in construction and map to fibronectin filaments. These are involved in adhesion and migration of fibroblasts. Due to their snap from the elastin fibers formed by fibroblasts, they are able to react to tenseness. Figure 9 – Oxytalan fibre hypertext transfer protocol: // 28/02/10 23.22 ( A ) Cementum, ( B ) Principal oxytalan fiber ( C ) Oxytalan piece of land ( D ) Periodontal vas. 4.1 ( three ) Land Substance The PDL is composed of 60 % land substance by volume ( Berkovitz et al, 2004 ) dwelling of glycosaminogylcans, proteoglycans and glycoproteins secreted by fibroblasts. Hyaluran is a gylycosaminoglycan consisting a big volume of the land substance. It affects the permeableness and motility of the PDL tissue. The two chief proteoglycans are proteodermatan sulfate and a proteoglycan containing chondroitin sulphate/dermatan sulfate loanblends. Proteodermatan sulfate is related to decorin which increases the strength of collagen filaments. Land substance can besides change collagen orientation. Glycoproteins such as fibronectin are involved in cell migration, orientation and fond regard. Tenascin is another glycoprotein, besides found in the immature PDL. It is non found throughout the PDL like fibronectin, but is located in parts near alveolar bone and cementum. Employee turnover rate of land substance is greater than collagen and it is involved in ion and H2O binding every bit good as exchange of substances such as adhering growing factor. Tissue unstable force per unit area is high in the PDL at 10 millimeters Hg above atmospheric force per unit area, hence impacting tooth support and eruption mechanisms. Land substance inhibits mineralisation of the PDL. Experiments where enzymes that degrade the land substance, such as spreading factor and chondroitinase are applied to the PDL followed by mineralizing solution prove this, as mineral crystals appear. Calcium adhering proteins such as S100A4 in extracellular matrix besides prevent mineralisation ( Berkovitz et al, 2004 ) . In periodontic disease there is a lessening in dermatan sulfate and an addition in chondroitin sulfate. Remodeling of the PDL occurs in deficiency of occlusal operation, where there is a lessening in chondroitin sulfate, decorin and Lipo-Hepin sulfate. Changes in the land substance could measure the patterned advance of disease, such as in measuring the gingival crevicular fluid for these proteins. 4.2 Cells 4.2 ( I ) Fibroblasts Poundal fibroblasts are big cells with an extended cytol and many cell organs associated with protein synthesis and secretion- unsmooth endoplasmic Reticulum, Golgi composite, chondriosome and secretory cysts. This reflects their high rate of collagen and land substance synthesis. They have a developed cytoskeleton with adherens and spread junctions due to their functional function. Fibroblasts are aligned along the way the fiber packages are in and widen cytoplasmatic procedures that wrap around collagen packages. Collagen fibrils in packages are invariably being remodeled as fibroblasts are capable of both synthesising and degrading collagen. Evidence for this is seen in the presence of intracellular collagen profile within cells ( Chris everts, Zee, Creemers, Beertsen et Al, 1996 ) . The profiles contain collagen in changing visual aspects, from normal banded filaments to unbanded filaments. Cellular activities of fibroblasts are controlled by modulatory molecules such as growing factors and cytokines. IGFI, BMPs, PDGF, IL-1, TGF? stimulate synthesis of collagen and inhibit synthesis of metalloproteinases, for illustration collegenase. Tissue harm relates to an addition in cytokines to forestall debasement. Fibroblasts besides produce factors that inhibit osteoclastic distinction, such as osteoprotegerin which inhibits bone reabsorption. Alkaline phosphatase is an enzyme related to the formation of aceullar cementum found in fibroblasts. It has receptors to epidermal growing factor that inhibit the fibroblast from distinguishing into cementoblasts or bone-forming cells. Other molecules such as TGF? , IGFI, BMP-2, BMP-7 and FGF-2 regulate proliferation and distinction of fibroblasts, bone-forming cells and cementoblasts. Figure 10 – Conventional representation of a fibroblast hypertext transfer protocol: // 28/02/10 23.55 Poundal fibroblasts are able to degrade and synthesize collagen. Degradation occurs through phagocytic activity happening through the intraceullular collagen vacuoles in fibroblasts that ingest the collagen from the extracellular environment ( Berkovitz, Newham 1995 ) . Degradation involves acerb phosphatase and cathepsins. Synthesis of collagen occurs via the protein releasing organels round in the fibroblasts. Fibrils form via wadding of single tropocollagen molecules. Figure11 – Fibroblasts in cell civilization from a mouse embryo ( Todaro et al 1963 ) 4.2 ( two ) Bone and cementum cells These cells are situated within the PDL, but are involved in organizing difficult tissues. Cementoblasts These are cement organizing cells that line the surface of cementum. They are little and cubelike in form packed with cell organs involved in secernment. These cells become trapped in Howship ‘s blank one time the cementum has been laid down. Osteoblasts These are bone organizing cells that line the tooth socket. They are cubelike in form and have a secretory function. Cementoclasts and osteoclasts These reabsorb cementum and bone and originate from macrophage-derived cells. They sit in Howship ‘s blank where a coppice boundary line develops. Figure 12 demoing the basic construction of an Osteoclast ( Grigoriadis A, 2008 ) 4.2 ( three ) Defence cells Defence cells found in the PDL consist chiefly of mast cells and macrophages. Mast cells are found near to blood vass as they degranulate in hypersensitivity type 1 reaction. Eosinophils can besides be found. 4.2 ( four ) Epithelial remainders of Malassez Epithelial cells found in the PDL are leftovers of HERS. They are found nigh cementum as a bunch of cells that form an epithelial web. More of these cells are found in forking countries, at the vertex of deciduous dentitions and in the gum of older dentitions. They may hold a function in periodontic repair/regeneration as they can be stimulated to proliferate. 4.2 ( V ) Stem Cells and Precursors Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells are required due to changeless omission of cells by programmed cell death, which needs to be balanced by production of new cells in order to keep homeostasis. In lesion mending these cells differentiate to mend the ligament itself, but besides produce cells to reconstruct the lost bone and cementum ( Beersten, Van den Bos, Everts et Al, 1997 ) . They have a perivascular location and may besides be found in endosteal infinites of alveolar bone. Different stimuli recruit primogenitors bring forthing different cell types, such as bone-forming cells in orthodontic burden. Recently root cells found in the PDL have been isolated turn outing their presence ( Seo, Miura, Gronthos, Bartold, Batouli, Brahim, Young, Robey, Wang, Shi et Al, 2004 ) . 4.3 Vascularization 4.3 ( I ) Blood supply The PDL is highly vascularised. Major blood vass are postcapillary venulas that run between chief fiber packages and shut to alveolar bone. Fenestrated capillaries allow diffusion and filtration ; this may be connected to high tissue fluid force per unit area. The sum of fenestrations alterations harmonizing to the phase of eruption ( Berkovitz, Newham, Moxham et Al, 1995 ) . 4.3 ( two ) Nerve supply The PDL is associated with many sensory and autonomic nervousnesss. Centripetal nervousnesss are associated with nociception and mechanoreception ( chew ) , whereas autonomic nervus fibers are associated with supply of blood vass. Nerve bundles enter near the root vertex or through the center and cervical parts of the PDL as finer subdivisions through the alveolar bone. Fibers can be myelinated if they are centripetal nervus fibers, unmyelinated fibers can be both centripetal and autonomic. Sensory nervus terminations in the PDL besides release neuropeptides, for illustration substance P and vaso-active intestinal. These substances affect blood vass and are upregulated in redness and orthodontias. 5. Clinical Indication Periodonticss Periodontic diseases cause a loss of collagen fibroblasts. This is because in redness there is an addition of tissue inhibitors i.e. matrix metalloproteinases expressed that destroy collagen. TIMP ‘s can be found of course produced by PDL fibroblasts themselves. Periodontic disease could be controlled by suppressing matrix metalloproteinases, hence diminishing tissue devastation. Drugs such as Achromycin and Vibramycin act in this manner. At the initial phase of periodontic disease there is redness of the country, nevertheless due to the high turnover rate of the tissue, regeneration can happen. If there is a loss of fond regard there is no continuity with the gum leting more bacteriums to colonize pockets and hence disease progresses. Symptoms such as Mobile, floating dentitions that are prone to falling out in are seen in advanced periodontal disease. More type V collagen every bit good as a alteration in fibril diameter can be found in the PDL. 5.2 Orthodonticss The PDL regulates motion of dentitions under tonss and is involved in conveying mechanical forces to cram. The ligament shows viscoelasticity and hysteresis every bit explained in figure 2. After application of a force the tooth moves a short distance and so halt. This is because of little deformation of alveolar bone and compaction of PDL fibers. Alveolar bone will reabsorb preferentially over cementum and the tooth moves in the way of the force being applied Certain countries of the PDL are compressed and others are under tenseness and it is these alterations that result in bone remodelling and tooth motion. Remodeling involves dislocation of the matrix of the ligament that connects the bone and cementum. The 3D-meshwork of fibers adapt to emphasiss through realignment of the collagen fibers arranged in land substance Mechanical emphasiss produced by orthodontic contraptions, alter fractal dimension of the periodontic – bone interface. This is a step of the ability of an object to make full infinite, the more infinites it fills the greater the fractal dimension. The alteration is relative to the size of force applied. Fractal dimension was measured at the vertex of maxillary grinders to demo the response of mechanical burden ( Wagle, DO, Yu, Burke et Al ) . Decisions were that fractal dimension increased along the full root length connoting that these alterations are due to physical burden as opposed to a cellular response. This is one position point nevertheless others suggest both a physical and a cellular response of reconstructing. A cellular response means osteoblastic /osteoclastic activity, such as the osteoblastic instead than fibroblastic response following orthodontic loading- bone-forming cells respond to the force per unit area and reabsorb alveolar bone. Endodonticss Irritation of the PDL can happen in root canal intervention due to overextension of the file beyond the apical bottleneck during the process. This forces dust and fluid towards the periapical tissues, which can inflame. A periapical abscess can develop around the root vertexs of the septic tooth and do farther redness. Root canal sealants can be cytotoxic to the PDL fibroblasts and ‘Canals ‘ was the most toxic sealant as proven by an experiment carried out by Chang et Al ( 2010 ) . 6. Decision This undertaking was carried out to explicate the maps, development and anatomy of the PDL. The function of fibroblasts in peculiar I found is indispensable in all of these parametric quantities. This is due to them bring forthing the collagen fibres that history for keeping the structural unity of the tissue for tooth support every bit good as theories of fibroblast contractility in tooth eruption. Clinically the absence of the fibroblast in periodontias could finally take to exfoliation of dentitions. The mechanisms by which the alveolar consonant follicle differentiates into the cementoblasts, bone-forming cells and fibroblasts of the periodontium is relevant non merely to the PDL but to the periodontium in general. Developmentally, molecular mechanisms that modulate the activity of the cells come from the original PDL cells themselves, which contributes to functions of care, fix and regeneration. Although the importance of the construction of the PDL can be seen, there is still a batch that remains unknown such as the intent of the type III collagen fibers and why these are associated with the tissue have a high turnover rate, every bit good as the intent of oxytalan fibres. The relevancy of this connective tissue can be seen clinically in many different instances, hence holding a good apprehension of its construction has helped me appreciate the effects of, for illustration periodontic disease, on the PDL from a clinical point of position.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Unit 9 – Assignment 2 Complete the Assignment Specified in Sam.

Judy Vasquez HCMG745-Dr. Szostek March 27, 2013 Week 4-Assignment 4 You will explore these areas in a research based paper with at least four scholarly references. Be sure to summarize the weekly focus area, evaluate its effect on the future of healthcare and your practice, and conclude the aspects of quality and best practice involved. Due Day 7 For Week 4 Operations, develop an overall operations plan. TOPIC SUMMARY EFFECT ON HEALTHCARE FUTURE OVERALL QUALITY & BEST PRACTICE ISSUESWhat will be a typical patient experience? Patients are first seen with either our primary physician or orthopedists, many are experience joint, spinal, or neck issues from motor vehicles accidents or slip and falls, so they are usually in a lot of pain. Patients are prescribed pain medication if needed, and go through a series of tests performed by our physicians at our practice. Imaging is usually needed, so many must have MRI's and X rays performed and bring their CD's with them to be reviewed by our d octors.We always follow-up with each of our patients, and if they have surgery they have ore-surgical and post surgical consultations with our physicians. Describe patient flow from making the appointment to paying the bill. Many of our patients have been in car accidents or slip and falls, they are being referred to our surgeons, neurologists, primary physicians, and orthopedists from attorneys. If the pain is tolerable we do not recommend surgery, however when patients are in excruciating pain we have them see our neurologist to have various neurological tests performed.When we have a new patient referred to our office, we gather all of their demographics and insurance information, if they do not have insurance many times there is a liable party information involved.. First we call the attorney to get more information on the case, next we fax the attorney letters of protection. Some of our cases are funded so we fax the funding company the information on the case with liable party information such as limits. Next we schedule a surgery date for the patient if surgery is needed, and ax the surgery center the case and Letter Of Protection for patient to sign.Lastly, after the surgery we fax the paperwork for coding. How will you address regulatory compliance and risk management? From a medical practice standpoint complying with regulations not only decreases risk but can decrease mortality and costs. http://www. acponline. org/running_practice/practice_management/regulatory_compliance/How will continuous quality improvement and best practices be addressed? How are you going to develop and maintain an ethical, quality, and complaint practice for the long term? What regulatory bodies will you have to be concerned with on an ongoing basis?Medicare and Medicaid Audits are some of the major regulatory bodies our practice is constantly concerned with. Recovery Audit programs aim to decrease the likelihood of overpayment and underpayments of their beneficiaries. This means our practice must stay on top of proper coding and billing to avoid penalties associated with false claims. http://www. cms. gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Monitoring-Programs/recovery-audit-program/index. html? redirect=/rac/ What do you see as possible futuristic operations issues/policies? How will you create the optimal care environment?

Blowing the Truth out

Whistle blowing is informing on illegal and unethical practices in the work place is becoming increasingly common as employees speak out about their ethical concerns at work. It can have disastrous consequences for the individual, as well as threatening the survival of the organization that is being complained about. This paper aims to provide a balanced approach to this topic, which has generated much controversy and debate. I would like to first explain what whistle blowing is and detail some the following important moral issues that go along with whistle blowing. I will try to show how this could affect any one by going over a classic case of an Eastern Airlines pilot . As well as considering how an individual can protect him or herself from becoming the victim when trying to blow the whistle. Under what circumstances, if any, is whistle blowing morally justified? Some people have argued that whistle blowing is never justified because employees have absolute obligations of confidentiality and loyalty to the organization for which they work. People who argue this way see no difference between employees who reveal trade secrets by selling information to competitors, and whistle – blowers who disclose activities harmful to others. This position is similar to another held by some business people that the sole obligation of corporate executives is to make a profit for the stockholders. If this were true, corporate executives would have no obligations to the public. However, no matter what one's special obligation, one is never exempt from the general obligations we have to our fellow human beings. One of the most fundamental of these obligations is not to cause harm to others. Corporate executives are no more exempt from this obligation than other people. Corporations in democratic societies are run with the expectations that they will function in ways that are compatible with the public interest. Corporations in democratic societies are also run with the expectations that they will not only obey the law governing their activities, but will not do anything that undermines basic democratic processes, such as bribing public officials. In addition to having the obligation to make money for stockholders, corporate executives have the obligation to see that these obligations are complied within an organization. They also have obligations to the company's employees, for example to maintain a safe working place. It is the failure of corporate executives to fulfill obligations of the types mentioned that create the need for whistle blowing. Just as the special obligations of corporate executives to stockholders cannot override their more fundamental obligations to others, the special obligations of employees to employer cannot override their more fundamental obligations. Such as obligations of confidentiality and loyalty cannot take precedence over the fundamental duty to act in ways that prevent unnecessary harm to others. Agreements to keep something secret have no moral standing unless the secret is itself morally justifiable. For example a no person can have an obligation to keep a secret of a plot to murder someone, because murder is an immoral act. It is for this reason also that employees have a legal obligation to report an employer who has committed or is about to commit a felony. Although there are obvious differences between the situation of employees who work for government agencies and those who work for private firms, if we leave apart the special case in which national security was involved, then the same principles apply to both. The Codes of Ethics of Government Service to which all government employees are expected to conform requires that employees put loyalty to moral principles and the national interest above loyalty to the public parties or the agency for which they work. Neither can one justify participation in an illegal or immoral activity by arguing that one was merely following orders. It has also been argued that whistle blowing is always justified because it is an exercise of the right to free speech. But, the right to free speech is not perfect. An example to shout â€Å"Fire† in a crowded theater because that is likely to cause a panic in which people may be injured. Similarly, one may have a right to speak out on a particular subject, in the sense that there are no contractual agreements which prohibit him/her from doing so, but it may be the case that it would be morally wrong for one to do so because it would harm innocent people, such as one's fellow workers and stockholders who are not responsible for the wrongdoing being disclosed. The fact that one has the right to speak out does not mean that one should do so in every case. But this kind of consideration cannot create an complete prohibition against whistle-blowing because one must weigh the harm to fellow workers and stockholders caused by disclosure against the harm to others caused by allowing the organizational wrong to continue. Further more, the moral principles that you must consider all people's interests equally prohibits giving preference to one's own group. So there most be considered justification for not giving as much weight to the interest of the stockholders investing in corporate firms because they do so with the knowledge that they take on financial risk if management acts illegally or immorally. Same as if the employees of a company know that it is engaged in illegal or immoral activities and do not take action, including whistle blowing, to end the activities, then they must bear some of the guilt for the actions. These in turn cancel the principles that one should refrain from blowing the whistle because speaking out would cause harm to the organization. Unless it can be shown that the harm to the employees and stockholders would be significantly greater than the harm caused by the organizational wrong doing, the obligation to avoid unnecessary harm to the public must come first. This must be true even when there is specific agreements not to speak out. Because ones obligation to the public overrides one's obligation to maintain secrecy. If the arguments which I have just made are valid then the position of whistle blowing is never justified because it involves a violation of loyalty and confidentiality, or that whistle blowing is always right because it is an exercise of the right to free speech and is morally justified. Then the obligation a person has to prevent avoidable harm to others overrides any obligations of confidentiality and loyalty, making it an obligation to blow the whistle on illegal or unethical acts. Now that I have set down some moral ground rules that help determine if your responsible or justified in blowing the whistle on big business, I would like to share with you an example of what happened to a company and a employee of a company that has had the whistle blown on them. In this first case a pilot of eastern whistle comes clean on what he suspects to be serious design problem with the new Lockheed 1011, wide body aircraft. At the time Dan blew the whistle, he was flying regularly scheduled flights for Eastern airlines as well as being involved in flight training and engineering safety, for Eastern airlines. Mr. Gellert was also a graduate of Air Force Safety School, the Army Crash Survival Investigators coarse, and the aerospace Systems Safety, all highly regarded safety courses. The problem, which Mr. Gellert suspected, was of unexplainable crashes in a flight simulator while using the auto pilot system . The L-1011 defect involved the complex interaction between the crew and the autopilot and related instruments, which they relied upon to conduct a safe approach to a runway when landing the aircraft. Mr. Gellert became aware of the problem on a routine flight while using the L-1011. While flying the aircraft with the autopilot engaged and cruising at 10,000 feet with 230 passengers, Gellert dropped his flight plan. As he went to pick it up, his elbow hit the control stick in front of him causing the plane to go in a steep dive something that should not happen. Fortunately, he was able to grab the stick and ease the plane back on course. What had happened was that that while bumping the stick, he had tripped off the autopilot. Instead of holding the plane at 10,000 feet, it had switched from its â€Å"command mode† to â€Å"control steering†. As a result, when the stick moved forward, causing the plane to dive, the autopilot, rather than holding the aircraft on course held it in a dive. There was no warning to the pilot, such as alarms or light and the autopilot's altimeter indicated that the plane was flying at 10,000 feet, a dangerously wrong reading. After this incident Gellert told an Eastern management official what had happened and the official replied â€Å"we'll look into it. But three months later from the time he reported the incident an Eastern airlines flight approaching Miami International Airport crashed. The crew had used the autopilot to land the plane and it had malfunctioned crashing into the everglades. The first step that Mr. Gellert took in blowing the whistle on Eastern airlines and Lockheed was to write a two page evaluation of the auto pilots problems and send them to, Frank Borman, then vice-president of operations; Floyd Hall, chairman of the board , and Samuel Higgenbottom, president of operations. The only response was from Borman that said, it was â€Å"pure folly† that the autopilot caused the accident. He also sent two copies to the NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board. ) which agreed with Gellert and asked him to testify against Eastern and Lockheed. Even with his testimony on his experiences with the auto pilot system NTSB found that a defect in the autopilot caused the crash, but attributed the tragedy to â€Å"pilot error† because the crew did not react fast enough. At this point eastern has done nothing to keep Gellert from doing his job . Until he had the same situation happened to him on two separate occasions, which prompted him to write a twelve-page petition to the NTSB as well as to top management. Gellert was immediately demoted to co-pilot. â€Å"Twice a year pilots bid on a base, a position, or a particular aircraft. † The first indication that he was being penalized by the company for his written petitions. At the same time the NTSB began to put pressure on eastern to make alterations to it's aircraft's. The pressure that went along with confronting eastern management forced Gillert to take a three- year leave of absence. And when Gillert decided to return to work, eastern denied him, questioning his ability to fly an aircraft concerned with his mental state. Eastern grounded Gillert indefinitely. A civil suit was filed and won by Gellert . The jury found Eastern guilty and awarded him 1. 5 million in damages, which were never paid, due to appeals. Gellert also filed a grievance to get reinstated as a pilot , which he won but Eastern refused to instate him as a full time pilot . The bottom line is that eastern was making life hard on Gillard because he wanted to do the right thing , he was aware of a problem which he tried to bring to the attention of the executives in charge . He was a dedicated employee and was only concerned about the safety of the people Eastern was flying and in turn Eastern continues to punish him and make his life extremely hard. I believe what has happened in the above summary of the Eastern airline case is that which is common among whistle blowers. Employees that decide to blow the whistle on big business for the greater good of the people are often subject to countless acts of discrimination. Employees are often demoted, pushed aside, put down ,alienated from the industry, and made their lives extremely uncomfortable for the mere fact that they tried to do the right thing. Gellert felt that the autopilot was defective yet management refused to listen, and then when it was to late and an accident occurred management didn't want to know , because they didn't want to except responsibility for not addressing the problem in the first place. If anything Gellert should have been rewarded for trying to prevent a disaster but instead, as is common for many whistle blowers he was punished. Employees who discover apparent wrong-doing have several options, they can turn a blind eye and continue as normal, raise the matter internally and hope for the best, blow the whistle outside while trying to remain anonymous, blow the whistle and take the full force of employer disapproval, resign and remain silent, or resign and blow the whistle. The key is minimizing the risk to you as an employee. As I have shown to blow the whistle requires a great deal of care and patience. Yet sometimes employees do not always make good judgements in the heat of the moment. Allowing himself or herself to be more vulnerable then someone who takes the time to plan and receive advice to do it right. Some simple questions will help to minimize your risk and determine if blowing the whistle is really necessary. First, make sure the situation is one that warrants whistle blowing. Secondly, you should carefully examine your motives. Third, verify and document your information. Fourth, determine the type of wrongdoing involved and to whom it should be reported. Fifth, state your allegations in appropriate ways. Sixth, decide whether the whistle blowing should be internal or external and if it should be open or anonymous. Seventh, make sure you follow proper guidelines in reporting the wrongdoing. And last you should consult a lawyer and anticipate as well as document retaliation. With all this said there is really no sure way to go about making the right choice on weather to blow the whistle or not. Employees that are forced to blow the whistle are often forced to do so because their concerns are not given fair hearings by their employers. This results in damage to both the whistleblower and the organization. Yet if wrong doing with in an organization go undetected, they can result in even in greater damage to the workforce, and the public at large. Whistle blowing is an effective way to regulate business internally and should not be discriminated against. In researching this paper it has come to my attention that whistle blowers may never have it easy. The possibility of causing career suicide should be maintained at the lowest level possible. A good indication of the how genuinely ethical our society is how organizations treats its whistleblowers. I can only hope that we will improve in the next coming century than continue on the course we have set for ourselves in the past. I strongly believe that society owes an immense gratitude to its whistle blowers and that they will soon be praised for coming forward instead of punished.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Financial Performance of Retail Banking in India Essay

Financial Performance of Retail Banking in India - Essay Example According to World Bank report of 2011, the value of the Indian economy is around $1.848 trillion, which can be considered as the tenth- major economy in terms of exchange rates (World Bank, 2013). However, the major challenge that the country faces is poverty. Though the country and its government has been successful in diminishing poverty from 55 percent in the year 1973, to around 27 percent in 2004, but around 1.1 billion citizens of the country are below the poverty line (Nayak, Goldar, and Agarwal, 2010). It has been noticed that 30 percent of the rural population are below the poverty line (Rural Poverty Portal, n. d.). Financial development is an integral factor for the growth of country’s economy. It has been proved through many studies that for any well-functioning fiscal system, mobilizing saving and allocating resources support functions such as risk management, economic growth, etc. This fact proves that financial development can be achieved through savings throug h establishment of proper banking system in the country, which in future would lead to elimination of poverty (Kapoor, 2011). Retail banking is not a fresh phenomenon in the country. It was prevalent in different forms previously, but in the last few years a phenomenal change has been seen and demand towards mainstream banking has increased. Retail banking is mainly facilitating the rural segment of the country and assisting them with loans for durables, educational loans, auto loans, etc. In the recent past it has been seen that the retail credit has been the major source of profit for the banks, which comprises of around 21.5 percent of the total outstandings. There are certain drivers which lead to the growth and development of retail banking in the country. Firstly, consistent increase in the purchasing power of the consumers and for economic prosperity. Secondly, the changing demographics of the consumers and vast potential of quantitative and qualitative consumption of the pop ulation was another reason for the growth of retail banking in the country. Thirdly, the demand for convenience banking increased due to the usage of mobile phones, internet, etc. fourthly, retail business has become good sources for profit maximisation. Lastly, declining level of interest rates is also the cause of growth in the retail credit, though the generation of demand for credit (R. Kapila, and U. Kapila, 2007). Retail banking is however, considered as a new concept because the functions within the banking framework were not segregated as retail, wholesale or corporate banking. Retail banking in modern terms comprises of asset based services and products, financial services that are designed for individual consumption or use. The concept of retail banking has been widespread with the increasing market share of private banks in the banking sector of India. Retail banking caters to the banking needs of the individual customer (Shrivastava,  Pandey,  and Vidyarthi, 2007). T he products that banks consider under retail banking are housing loans, education loans, car loans, personal loans, saving bank accounts, recurring deposit accounts, etc. The Indian retail banking system has seen a dramatic change over the last few years. It has evolved drastically from traditional debt averse, middle class mindset, to modern loan-taking, and risk inclined mind-set. In order to keep up with the latest trend of changing mind-set of the

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Success Stories Result of effective strategy Essay

Success Stories Result of effective strategy - Essay Example Employee empowerment is a great technique that is used to unleash the complete potential of the human resources of an organization. Employee empowerment revolves around the idea that employees take personal responsibility and pride in their work if they are given the power of decision making and involved in the overall strategy making. This helps them to take personal responsibility, i.e., empowered employees tend to be more proactive. This will help an organization to reach its goals. Companies empower employees by creating a supportive environment and reducing the barriers inside an organization. Best example of Employee Empowerment at use is Google. Google has tasted tremendous success by using the employee empowerment strategy. The main challenge ahead of Google after it became such a huge success was to continuously innovate and differentiate itself from the competition. But a traditional approach would limit employees to work an innovative and new idea until and unless it was approved to be a potential product. Google overcame this by empowering the employees to speak up when ever they had a new idea irrespective of the idea being related to their actual work. Google believed that it was not just necessary to encourage employees but empower them to change the world. Any resource needed for the employees to focus was made available. An initiative that highlights Google’s commitment to employee empowerment is the â€Å"20 percent time program† (Yap, 2011). This initiative allowed them to dedicate 1/5 of their time in the company to work an idea of their interest. The result of this strategy has been astonishing as it has helped Google to come up with many new products that have given the company a new identity. An example of this is Google News which was a result of this strategy. Employee empowerment strategy leads to specific action as it helps to improve the morale of the employees, job satisfaction and motivates them to perform better. Employees identify with the ideology of the company take pride and personal responsibility. This leads to action from them to better the overall productivity (Bailey, 2009). The problem of in novation could also have been tackled in a different way. Employees can be given power to form their own teams with whom they can innovate. This team must be given all the resources and the power needed to start and complete a project from scratch before it is pit forward for approval. Penetration Pricing Penetration pricing is a marketing strategy that a company uses in order to penetrate a market and increase the market share. In this strategy, a company prices its products or service at a lower cost than the normal with an intention to gain greater and faster market acceptance or to increase the already existing market share. This strategy in most cases can be short term and in some cases can be a long term strategy. This strategy also discourages any new company entering the niche market (Longenecker et al., 2005). Sun Microsystems used the penetration pricing strategy in order to increase its market share in desktop software segment which was mainly dominated by Microsoft. The pricing of products of SUN Microsystems was set at a price of 40%-50% of that Microsoft. This helped the company achieve a better market share and hence increase the business. This strategy was adopted as SUN Microsystems had found it increasingly difficult to penetrate the desktop software product. The theory has lead to action from the mass customers as they could now get genuine software at

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Movie reflection paper on the movie Avatar Research

Movie reflection on the movie Avatar - Research Paper Example and man’s quest for unknown, in terms of scientific exploration, has led him to find out various types of valuable items from different planets in the universe. The course of such quest led the scientists to obtain â€Å"unobtanium† on a planet, Pandora. The Pandora biosphere has almost the same elements as that of the Earth’s and it is inhabited by Na’vi. The species of the Pandora also has close similarities with the Earth’s and also provides a deep impression of the similarity that Earthly species as well as human inhabitants enjoyed during the days of primitive existence. Circumstances of the film take a serious turn as Jack Sully’s intelligence is used for the purpose of obtaining â€Å"unobtanium† and taking advantage of Na’vis’ primitive existence, human beings, with their superior technology and armed forces attempt to destroy the Hometree, a manifestation of Na’vis’ respect for values and traditiona l existence, to reach the mines. The entire Na’vi community fights back and despite their initial defeat, finally with the help of entire Pandoran wildlife they defeat artificial intelligence and technological supremacy (Avatar 2009). Main theme of the Avatar elaborates a symbolical criticism against man’s hedonistic and utilitarian aggression for everything that is natural, spontaneous and beautiful. It has also been suggested that free spirit cannot be dominated by the use of armed forces, artificial intelligence and threat of tremendous oppression. The history of human civilization provides numerous such examples that a superior community in terms of power, technology and massive support, has attempted to dominate the weaker ones but the moment such oppression has amounted to the level of violating self-respect, values and morality, a strong wave of protest has always emerged from the dominated side, resulting in fall of the dominating. The storyline of Avatar

Monday, August 26, 2019

In What Ways Has California's 2011 Redistricting Process and the Open Essay

In What Ways Has California's 2011 Redistricting Process and the Open Primary Election Changed the State's Political System - Essay Example Moreover, the decision to hold primary elections will further intensify the situation as the position of the influential incumbents dominant in the Congress for years is at stake. Also, in the aftermath of the redistricting process some of the incumbents will be forced to retire however in other case, incumbents will be running against each other for elections, thus the open primaries would be significant in this context. In this case, it is being expected that the extreme Republicans or even Democrats will be replaced by new and neutral candidates by virtue of the open primaries, thus about a quarter of the seats owned by California in the Congress will be replaced by new candidates who wouldn’t have experienced the process before. To elaborate on the effects of the redistricting process, it is crucial to highlight the significance of redistricting to analyze the issues and implications of the process in California. The process of redistricting relates to the congressional al location of seats to the population of U.S. There are basically 435 seats whereby all seats have been uniformly distributed amongst the entire population of the U.S. However, the population census and the demographics keep changing with time, and thus they have to be re-analyzed with time to come up with fair allocation of congressional seats to the entire population, thus, after every 10 years the government goes through the process of redistricting based on the changes in population demographics of the U.S. California is one of the most populous state of U.S with 53 representatives assigned to this state alone. Historically, when redistricting took place it had no effect at all, and there was just a change in one of the seats which was swapped between the seats as a result of the primaries. Gerrymandering is one of the ways how the incumbents influence the redistricting process to avail the best chances to secure their positions, by changing the inclinations of the maps in such a way that the maximum number of voters` base is covered in the areas representing their districts. This results in the distorted figure of the maps that are produced after the gerrymandering process. The redistricting process held in 2011 was indeed a unique one as an effort was made to appoint neutral members for the purpose. In case of California as well, 14 members were appointed all of whom weren’t seasoned politicians or incumbents, rather amateurs which suggests that the chances of political point scoring or distortion of results was near to impossible. For this reason, many of the congressmen seemed unhappy with the decision. "When you go from a system that allows incumbents to draw districts that favor themselves to one that disallows considering incumbents at all, you're bound to have some incumbents paired together and some open districts," suggests Tom Bonier who`s the adviser for Democrats redistricting process. This implies that if the issue of incumbency is not t aken into account, chances are that multiple incumbents will end up running for the seat in the same district. Some of the general trends which emerged or are expected to emerge in the future can conveniently be traced after an analysis is conducted over

Sunday, August 25, 2019

PANC-1 cell line Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

PANC-1 cell line - Essay Example nts who go through the resection and have the free margins of tumor, the reported 5-year rate of survival can only be between ten to twenty five percent (Ke, Wang, Xu, and Abassi, 2011). Whenever the pancreatic cancer turns to be metastatic, it becomes uniformly fatal having an overall survival of approximately six months from the time of diagnosis (Blackburn, Vay Liang, and Milner, 2011). For the past thirty years a combined method of radiotherapy, surgery, and chemotherapy have been applied in treating pancreatic cancer (Mani, Guo, & Liao, 2008). However, there has been no huge improvement in the rate of survival. This means that a powerful therapeutic method is required. In attempts of obtaining an appropriate therapeutic strategy for pancreatic cancer, this paper investigates the effect of caffeine on the PANC-1 cells. Pancreatic Cancer is one of the leading causes of deaths in world. Even with recent efforts to come up with modalities, the rate of mortality remains being high. Caffeine can be used in treating this illness, even though the molecular mechanisms of the agents are not understood fully. This is, to some extent, responsible for the failing of these agents in treating pancreatic cancer. In a study conducted in this field, PANC –1 mutant p53 was used in investigating the influence of caffeine on the growth of cells and the effect on cell modulation cycle and the gene apoptosis relation (RÃ ¼ckert, Werner, & Aust, 2012). The extraction of proteins from these cells was treated 4 mM of Caffeine was put to a western blot analysis. The cells of drug treating were analyzed for the calculation of the number of those cells that experience apoptosis. In the observation, the study found out the time and dose dependent inhibition of growth was seen in the PANC cells after the treatment with caffeine (Mani, Guo, & Liao, 2008). The analysis by the western blot displayed an up regulation of the p21WAF1 in the cell lines that were treated with caffeine. In

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Assessed Stata Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Assessed Stata Assignment - Essay Example 34). The p-value for a test of differences between mean income by gender is 0.2346. This value is greater than the level of significance (0.05), consequently, we conclude that mean income does not differ by gender. Looking at the p-values, gender, Underweight, and ins_pain are not significant in predicting the number of visits to a healthcare facility. The rest of the variables are significant. Considering the coefficient sign, log(income) and remote have a negative effect on the number of visits. Consequently, persons living in a remote area and those with high earnings visit healthcare facilities less frequently. The rest of the significant variables, age, insurance, and pain have a positive effect on number of visits. Considering the BMI categories in reference to normal weight. The following observations are made: The interaction between pain and insurance is low (16.88%), implying most persons with severe joint persons do not have private insurance, or private insurance companies are not willing to insure them. The coefficient for pain gives the odds of visiting healthcare facilities among persons with severe joint pain. Persons with severe joint pain visit healthcare facilities at a higher frequency than those without

Friday, August 23, 2019

Environmental Factors Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Environmental Factors - Research Paper Example Marketing environment factors profoundly influence company's marketing operations. The paper attempts to explore various environmental factors such as free-trade Agreements, global demographic changes, increased competition, technological advances, legislative compliance that influence marketing decisions of General Motors (GM) in its domestic and international operations. Impact of Free-trade Agreements In 1994, the US entered into a Free Trade Agreement with Mexico and Canada called NAFTA. Just in the prior year in 1993, GM exported only 1600 vehicles to Mexico but in 1999, gearing its marketing efforts, the company could export 52,000 vehicles to Mexico despite currency crisis in Mexico (The Trade Partnership, 2004). This demonstrates that GM could take advantage of free trade agreement to boost their sales. Demographics and Physical Infrastructure People’s behavior, characteristic, their growth trends will largely influence the demand of goods and it becomes extremely impo rtant for a company to know about demographic changes taking place locally and globally so that company can divert its marketing efforts to exploit these changes. Different countries have different population growth rates. Higher population growth rate in a country or region is likely to create higher demand for a product. China and India both have huge populations of over 120 billion with huge untapped market of passenger vehicles. Both have been growing at much higher GDP growth rates relative to world average. GM recognized this fact and directed its marketing efforts toward fastest growing automobile markets in the world. GM formed a joint venture with Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. Group (SAIC), China in 1997. The joint venture markets its most popular brands such as Cadillac, Buick and Chevrolet and in 2010, it sold 1 million vehicles. China sales are rising at a record rate and in 2011 it touched over 1200,000 units. In order to harness full potential, GM has formed 11 jo int ventures in China and currently, GM is a leader among all automakers in China selling almost 2.5 million vehicles there. Saturated markets of Western Europe and many developed countries show either negative or near zero population growth rates and it is obvious that GM is not likely to achieve favorable results by any level of marketing efforts in that region (General Motors China, 2012). Legal/Political Environment Marketers need to understand the legal/political environment of the country before embarking on the business in an alien land. GM expanded into the countries such as China, India, and Russia for manufacturing and marketing their products only after when these countries liberalized in their bid to become market economies. No company would like to work in a hostile environment. Legal setup is equally important so that whenever required the company can approach an independent judicial system for a fair hearing and remedy. The company needs to follow local laws on enviro nment, on emission standards, corporate laws and the laws that are enforced by regulatory bodies in that country. That is why it becomes extremely important for the company to get fully acquainted about all applicable legal requirements of the country where it plans to market its products. This will also ascertain whether it is in the benefit of the company to operate there or not if the stringent laws may impede its growth. The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) of 1977 and Social Responsibility The

Thursday, August 22, 2019

How useful are Marx ideas to understanding the problems and struggles Essay

How useful are Marx ideas to understanding the problems and struggles of our 21st century - Essay Example According to Marx, the problem of society is rooted in equality between classes. Free trade had unmasked the true picture of society by giving us a clear image of â€Å"brutal exploitation† in the face of civilization. In the 21st century, the picture painted by Marx during his time can still be vividly seen and observed all over the world. If you take a closer look at the big establishments that ruled the industries nowadays, you will notice that these companies and are becoming like dynasties where the top ranking corporate executives lord the place and the lives of the employees. Although learned individuals may argue that employment is but a matter of choice, such choice is not easy to make nowadays for the lack of better opportunities available. This scenario is comparable to the time of landlords and serfs where the farmers don’t really have a choice but to toil in the face of unfair conditions for fear that he/she will lose the land and compromise the survival of his/her family. Much as we would like to view labor in our present time as a form of capital, it is still viewed as a form of commodity that people trade and is subject to market fluctuations of supply and demand thus the continuing antagonism between class of individuals such as the skilled and the unskilled labor. This phenomenon cause the prices of labor in other parts of the world to be cheaper than that in the United States and other developed countries.

Comparing Three Poems Half-Caste Essay Example for Free

Comparing Three Poems Half-Caste Essay Each of these three poems talk about certain problems faced by specific groups of people in todays society. The poems have been written specifically to illustrate to people who have been brought up with derogative ideas about different types of people, that there are people who are different, but are neither superior nor inferior to themselves.  The main themes that run common in all 3 poems are the ideas of individualism, respect, culture and equality. The poem Half-Caste by John Agard talks about the stereo typed judgement about half-caste people in society today. John Agards main argument in the poem is that being a half-caste person does not make you half a human being. He talks about how people make assumptions about half-caste people.  and when Im introduced to yu Im sure youll understand why I offer yu half-a-hand This quote suggests that non half-caste peoples attitudes towards half-caste people is that they are not human, and do not do everyday things the way they would do themselves. Agard exaggerates his ideas in order to make his argument a lot clearer. when moon begin to glow I half-caste human being cast half-a-shadow It is obvious that half-caste people do not caste shadows different to anyone else, but the emphasis on the ridiculousness of the mere idea of a different type of shadow makes the idea of half-caste people being different just as ridiculous.  He explains quite cleverly how degrading the term half-caste can be by comparing half-caste people like himself to very worldly ideas that you would not title half-caste. Yu mean when light an shadow mix in de sky is a half-caste weather His examples are all of things that people would associate with beauty, such as nature, art and music. His point being that if people call humans of two colours half-caste, then everything else with mixed colours must be aswel. People wouldnt think twice about labeling a human half-caste, but when talking about nature or music and it would again be completely ridiculous to call Tchaikovskys composition a half-caste symphony. The poem itself also relays the message of individualism. It is written in phonetics to demonstrate his own personality with the language being English, but with his own Guyanan dialect. The readers are then forced to read the poem in a certain way, which enforces the message behind the poem.  Tom Leonard also uses this effective technique in his poem from Unrelated Incidents. This poem talks about status and social acceptance. Leonard talks about how people are reluctant to sit secure in the knowledge of a person with an accent, compared to someone who speaks with what is thought of proper, standard English in an English accent. He puts across the idea of how naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve and narrow-minded people can be. if a tokaboot thi trooth lik wanna yoo scruff yi widny thingk it wuz troo  He suggests that people would believe anything from the mouth of a proper speaking person, no matter how insane it may be and totally dismiss what a person with an accent like his, is saying. Even if it was the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so to speak. The way in which he has put this idea across is by using what is very commonly known to be quite English a typical example of where this sort of discrimination occurs. The news, where you will mainly hear the news read from a person who speaks with the right accent. This is thi six a clock news thi man said n thi reason a tok wia BBC accent iz coz yi widny wahnt mi ti talk aboot thi trooth wia voice lik wanna yoo scruff The poem is a parody of a typical British news broadcast, it is ironic the way in which Leonard has used his own dialect and spoken in the style of the commonly known news. It is obvious that Leonard is frustrated and angry at the fact that him and others alike would be looked down upon because of the way they talk. Similarly with John Agard we can see the resentment towards those people who treat half-caste people differently and Tom Leonard with the way society looks upon people with accents that differ from their own. However, Sujata Bhatts Search For My Tongue discusses society and culture from a different perspective. The problem she finds herself faced with is trying to make a correct balance with her own culture and heritage and the culture in which she lives in. She explains her fear of losing her mother tongue and never being able to be totally accepted by the foreign tongue. Her concern with the mother tongue being lost is very explicit in the poem: And if you lived in a place where toy had to speak a foreign tongue, you mother tongue would rot, rot and die in your mouth until you had to spit it out She explains how hard it is to keep your mother tongue healthy in a place where there is no use for it, and eventually it would become useless and you would eventually forget it about it. She talks not just about language but her whole culture and how she was brought up, what she was brought up to believe and live by and how society and different cultures sometimes make you forget. However she gets across to the reader that somehow, sub-consciously while she dreams, she dreams in her own language and reminds herself of her language and that she is still who she has always been and always will be.  modhama pakay chay it blossoms out of my mouth. The tongue is described to blossom out her mouth jus as she thinks she has forgotten it. This imagery of blossoming is beautiful and emphasises how important it is to be who you are because it is beautiful from whatever background and culture you belong to.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

SWOT Analysis | What is SWOT Analysis? | Examples of SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis | What is SWOT Analysis? | Examples of SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis was originally conceived and developed in the 1960s and its basic organising principles have remained largely unchanged in the field of strategic management since that time (Kotler et al., 2013). It is, as Ghazinoory, Abdi and Azadegan-Mehr (2011) comment, a systematic framework which helps managers to develop their business strategies by appraising the internal and external determinants of their organisation’s performance. Internal environmental factors include leadership talent, human resource capabilities, the company’s culture as well as the effectiveness of its policies and procedures. In contrast, external factors include competition, government legislation, changing trends, and social expectations (Johnson, Scholes and Whittington, 2008). The SWOT analysis framework involves analysing the strengths (S) and weaknesses (W) of the business’s internal factors, and the opportunities (O) and threats (T) of its external factors of performance (Ghazinoory, Abdi and Azadegan-Mehr, 2011). Through this analysis, the weaknesses and strengths within a company can correspond to the opportunities and threats in the business environment so that effective strategies can be developed (Helms and Nixon, 2010). It follows from this, therefore, that an organisation can derive an effective strategy by taking advantage of its opportunities by using its strengths and neutralise its threats by minimising the impact of its weaknesses. Moreover, SWOT analysis can be applied to both a whole company as well as a specific project within a company in order to identify new company strategies and appraise project feasibility. Hollensen (2010) asserts that the strengths and weaknesses of a company relate to its internal elements such as resources, operational programmes and departments such as sales, marketing and distribution. More specifically, a strength is an advantageous – or even unique – skill, competency, product, or service that a business or project possesses that allows it to create competitive advantages. This may include abstract concepts, such as its possession of strong research and development capabilities. A weakness on the other hand is a strategic disadvantage, such as a skill that the business or project lacks which limits it and creates potential risks in negative economic conditions. Achieving a balance between such positives and negatives is therefore a necessary pre-requisite for any company and it is also imperative that a company continues to review its strengths and weaknesses to take account for changes in its internal environment (Kotler et al., 2013). An opportunity is, as Henry (2011) comments, a desirable condition which can be exploited to consolidate and strengthen a strategic position. Examples of this phenomenon would include growing demand for a trendy new product which it could consider selling, such as that announced by Burger King relating to the introduction of a black cheeseburger (Molloy, 2014). A threat on the other hand, is a condition that creates uncertainties which could potentially damage an organisation’s performance or market share (Henry, 2011). Threats include the introduction of new competing products or services, foreign competition, technological advancements, and new regulations. Examples of the fear of such external factors can be noted in the comments of companies planning to relocate their headquarters and registration bases from Scotland to England in the event of a ‘yes’ vote in the Scottish referendum in September 2014 (Wright, Titcombe and Spence, 2014). Therefore, a company needs to develop strategies to overcome these threats in order to prevent the loss of its market share, reputation, or profit. It must be noted, however, that opportunities and threats exist in the environment and therefore are often beyond the control of the organisation – but they do offer suggestions for strategic direction. SWOT analysis, as a result, demands a great deal of research into an organisation’s present and future position (Johnson, Scholes and Whittington, 2008). The results of SWOT analysis provide a useful source of information from which an organisation can go on to develop policies and practices which allow it to build upon its strengths, diminish its weaknesses, seize its opportunities, and make contingency plans or measures to eradicate or curtail threats, as Kotler et al. (2013) observe. SWOT analysis is widely used by managers because of its simplicity (Hollensen, 2010). It is used as a planning tool that can be adapted to a range of situations and projects. Whilst it is not the only technique available to managers, it can often be the most effective if used properly (Henry, 2011). The basis for a SWOT analysis is usually drawn from an audit review as well as from independently carried out interviews with staff and customers. Data is then analysed to arrive at a list of issues which can be categorised into strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The key issues and company activities are then reassessed through protracted discussions between managers and reduced further to identify the most important issues and the potential impact that they could have on the organisation. If too many issues are included in the analysis, there will be a lack of focus in the development of a new company strategy and thus it is important to ensure that such discussions focus on a limited number of factors (Ghazinoory, Abdi and Azadegan-Mehr, 2011). Additionally, the issues considered should be made in view of customer opinions and perceptions, which would therefore require objectivity. Ideally, a company should carry out a SWOT analysis on a regular basis in order to assess its situation against its competitors in a constantly evolving market environment (Fernie and Moore, 2013). According to Stalk, Evans and Schulman (1992, p. 62), â€Å"the essence of strategy is not the structure of a company’s products and markets but the dynamics of its behaviour†. It is also recommended that an organisation should develop and undertake SWOT analysis on its competitors so that it is able to take into account consumer perceptions and determinants of their buying behaviour. This is particularly the case with issues such as quality, in which perceptions may be more powerful than reality (Kaplan and Norton, 2008). In today’s highly competitive and fast changing market environment, managers may make a grave error when evaluating their company’s resources; that is, not to assess them relative to the competition (Kotler et al., 2013). A competitive analysis as part of the SWOT framework is always necessary in order to determine an organisation’s position in the wider market. Thus, for example, if a project or business strength is the amount of capital it has to invest in improved IT functionality, this may not be the case if its competitor is investing double this amount to improve its own IT functionality. Thus, it is no longer a strength but rather a weakness for the company. The same competitive analysis should also be taken into account when assessing opportunities and threats, as it depends on the relative situation of the competing businesses (Johnson, Scholes and Whittington, 2008). McDonald (1989, p. 16) states that the â€Å"SWOT device†¦ whilst potentially a very powerful, analytical device, is rarely used effectively†, and recommends using a summary from a marketing audit to arrive at a sound SWOT analysis; the analysis must be conducted rigorously so that it prioritises the issues of paramount importance. Further, McDonald suggests keeping it focused on critical factors only and to maintain a list of differential strengths and weaknesses in comparison to competitors, concentrating mainly on competitive advantages. Additionally, only critical external opportunities and threats should be listed with a focus on the real issues. Finally, according to McDonald (1989), the reader of the SWOT analysis should be left with the main issues encompassing the business to the extent that they are able to derive and develop marketing objectives from them. At the end of the analysis, the organisation is left with reasons behind their choices as well as their potential impacts, which provides them with a stronger basis from which to form future strategic decisions. Example of a SWOT analysis of the McDonald’s Corporation Strengths Open door policy to the press Ceres guidance and co-ordination and active CSR Selective supply chain strategy Rigorous food safety standards Affordable prices and high quality products Nutritional information on packaging Decentralised yet connected system Innovative excellence programme Promoting ethical conduct Profitable Weaknesses Inflexible to changes in market trends Difficult to find and retain employees Drive for achieving shareholder value may counter CSR Promote unhealthy food Promoted CSR meat imports in error Opportunities Attractive and flexible employment Positive environmental commitments Higher standards demanded from suppliers Corporate responsibility committee Honest and real brand image Threats Fabricated stories about the quality of chicken Unhealthy foods for children Health concerns surrounding beef, poultry, and fish Labour exploitation in China CSR at the risk of profit loss Contributor to global warming Local fast food restaurants Political instability (e.g. Russia) Strengths Open door policy to the press At times of wider national food scandals, for instance those related to BSE, McDonald’s operated an open door policy, allowing the press into a limited number its restaurants and suppliers (Vrontis and Pavlou, 2008). This was done as a deliberate measure to reassure the public of the safety of McDonald’s. Ceres guidance and co-ordination, and active CSR McDonald’s, as Valax (2012) notes, co-ordinates with employees, investors, environmental and corporate social responsibility (CSR) organisations, such as Ceres, to improve its social and environmental programmes. As a result of such policies, McDonald’s can be seen to be continually updating its profile to take account of changes in consumer preferences – keeping the firm relevant and allied to the desires of its customers. Selective supply chain strategy McDonald’s works to ensure that its suppliers meet or exceed safety and quality standards as well as complying with best practice with reference to a sustainable food supply and animal welfare (Deng, 2009). Indeed, its recent advertisement campaigns have laid a premium on the traceability of products used. Rigorous food safety standards McDonald’s, as Vrontis and Pavlou (2008) observe, works hard to ensure that high food safety standards are met through training, food, safety and quality and menu development in each restaurant. This filters through to its partners, ensuring that they operate ethically and meet social responsibility standards. The high training required can also be noted by reference to its endorsement of specific qualifications and training for staff – thereby adding value to its workforce (Valax, 2012). Affordable prices and high quality products McDonald’s is an efficient provider of high quality foodstuffs and always seeks to offer the best value to its customers, as noted by its 99p ‘value’ range (Harnack et al., 2008). Nutritional information available on packaging McDonald’s was one of the first fast food restaurants to disclose nutritional information on its packaging and continues to seek new ways in which it can provide nutrition and balanced active lifestyles for its customers (Harnack et al., 2008). Indeed, there are sections of the corporate website specifically tailored to this data. Decentralised yet connected system McDonald’s provides a core system of values, principles and standards which managers adhere to in combination with its â€Å"Freedom within the Framework† programme, which provides them with the flexibility to respond to the diversity of its customers and local markets (McDonald’s Corporation, 2013). Innovative excellence programme McDonald’s employs an array of mystery shoppers who visit premises pretending to be customers. They inspect the premises as customers and rate them accordingly. Many restaurants provide customer comment contact numbers and employee satisfaction surveys. It may also be noted, though anecdotally, that the firm responds quickly to mistakes and problems raised with area managers. Promoting ethical conduct McDonald’s works hard to maintain its integrity with its shareholders through open channels of communication (McDonald’s, 2013). Profitable McDonald’s is profitable, as Wallop (2014) comments, with sufficient capital. This allows it to grow and realise gains on its investments. Thus, McDonald’s is able to offer help to charities as well as itself when in need. Weaknesses Inflexible to changes in market trends If customer trends move towards eating in a more eco-friendly or organically-oriented manner, McDonald’s would be unable to follow this trend without changing suppliers and incurring significant financial losses (Wallop, 2014). McDonald’s could consider the introduction of new products with the aid of market research, in coming years, to prepare them for such potential change. Difficult to find and retain employees McDonald’s has had hostile relationships with unions and, although this has been controlled, the company does find it difficult to find and retain good employees (Valax, 2012). The company can build on its reputation for developing top level managers by further increasing its graduate recruitment portfolio. Drive for achieving shareholder value may counter CSR When McDonald’s profits fall, its stock price often falls as well; as a consequence, it is often forced to take drastic action to resolve the problem. (Wallop, 2014) This often relates to issues of social and environmental responsibility. McDonald’s could be more proactive in finding more long-term CSR suppliers and processes that provide lower costs and higher profit margins, rather than being reactive. Promotion of unhealthy food Despite providing healthier product varieties, McDonald’s continues to sell burgers that have 850 calories in them. . This could continue to harm its reputation as an unhealthy fast food provider. McDonald’s could research ways to reduce the calories in its products whilst still maintaining their taste, or at the least provide low calorie burger options. Much progress has been made in this arena – but it is suggested that more needs to be done (Harnack et al., 2008). Promoted CSR meat imports in error McDonald’s claimed to provide meat from socially and environmentally responsible sources, but a court case found that meat had been imported from Latin America, where rainforests were cleared to create green fields for cattle (Deng, 2009). Where McDonald’s carries out CSR processes or investments, it may wish to consider carrying out random checks to ensure their standards are continually met, to minimise embarrassing press. Opportunities Attractive and flexible employment McDonald’s offers a variety of job opportunities and is proud to say that 42% of its top managers first started by serving customers (McDonalds, 2013). That the company offers a selection of different shift patterns as well as employee benefits can be seen as further reasons as to why McDonald’s attracts employees. Positive environmental commitments McDonald’s incorporates environmental commitments in its daily operations, from the use of environmentally friendly products in maintaining daily ‘drive-thru’ cleaning, to providing sustainable fish sources, to using recycled packaging (McDonald’s, 2013). It was also a pioneer of using bio-diesel and recycling fat from its fryers into a form of fuel. Higher standards demanded from suppliers McDonald’s sets the standards it demands from suppliers for low cost high quality, socially responsible supplies, in return for a long-term business commitment (Yuece, 2012). Corporate Responsibility Committee McDonald’s has a standing Corporate Responsibility Committee that acts as an advisor to its Board of Directors (McDonald’s, 2013). Honest and real brand image McDonald’s has built and maintains a trusting relationship with its shareholders and customers through truthful marketing and communications (Harnack et al., 2008). Threats Fabricated stories about the quality of chicken Emails and websites have published fabricated information that McDonald’s is using ‘monster-chickens’ in its products. McDonald’s could build on its open door policy with the press and apply it to the web, to combat false distribution of information (Kaplan and Norton, 2008). Unhealthy foods for children If competitors begin to offer premium healthy alternatives for children with small gifts to encourage them to eat healthy, this would be a significant threat to McDonald’s (Kotler et al., 2013). McDonald’s positive strategy to provide a range of healthy products could include further healthy products for children in addition to its present offering of carrot sticks. Health concerns surrounding beef, poultry, and fish There are various initiatives working against hormone induced cows and other issues such as bird flu epidemics and heavy metal levels in fish that could reduce McDonald’s sales and cause profits and its share price to fall (Johnson, Scholes and Whittington, 2008). McDonald’s could use its purchasing power to its advantage to source supplies that have proven health benefits. McDonald’s greater work with local farmers in the UK with regard to the sourcing of beef and eggs can be seen as a step in the right direction in this regard. Labour exploitation in China Chinese manufacturers exploit labour in their production of ‘Happy Meal’ toys (Valax, 2012). McDonald’s could use its purchasing power to its advantage to demand that manufacturers provide toys without exploiting labour. CSR at the risk of profit loss If share prices and profitability are under pressure, managers will inevitably seek to resolve it at the risk of a CSR issue (Ceres, n.d.). Contributor to global warming McDonald’s is the largest consumer of beef in the world. Greenfields used to supply this beef comes at the expense of rainforests, heavy use of chemicals, fertilisers and pesticides (Ceres, n.d.). McDonald’s could use its purchasing power to its advantage to source CSR suppliers. Local fast food restaurants Local restaurants which are less environmentally threatening than McDonald’s and have less purchasing power may have better reputations with local suppliers and customers (Wallop, 2014). Political instability Political instability can be a threat to the secure and continued operation of a business. Even if local staff are employed, a tense political situation can cause areas of operation to be closed, in the short- or long-term. An example of this relates to McDonald’s in the Crimea and in Russia; for the foreseeable future, McDonald’s restaurants are closed in the Crimea as a result of the Russian invasion. In retaliation, Russia has temporarily closed a number of McDonald’s restaurants in Russia (Wallop, 2014). From the above SWOT of McDonald’s and the summary that follows it, it can be seen how, by highlighting its position, an organisation can identify areas that could be strengthened, seize opportunities, minimise threats and diminish or eliminate weaknesses. In summary, a SWOT analysis provides a systematic framework for appraising an organisation’s internal and external position. It is a useful tool but it must be constantly updated to enable the company to keep abreast of developments and change its strategies accordingly. Whilst it may be difficult for management to resolve all of the weaknesses and threats highlighted, the company is at least made aware of them through the conducting of a SWOT analysis and can refer to them when implementing future strategies. The McDonald’s SWOT analysis case study highlighted several CSR threats and weaknesses whilst simultaneously highlighting strengths, such as its strong purchasing power which could potentially be used to demand more socially responsible production techniques from its Chinese manufacturers and meat suppliers. It also showed how a more proactive and longer-term approach to its strategies can help it to anticipate changing consumer tastes and demands (Yuece, 2012). Bibliography Ceres (n.d.). Mobilizing business leadership for a sustainable world. Boston, MA: Ceres. Collins, R. (2010). A graphical method for exploring the business environment. Oxford University Working Paper 956. Coman, A. and Ronen, B. (2009). 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