Monday, September 16, 2019

Digital Communication Essay

1. It is fast and easier.   2. No paper is wasted.   3. The messages can be stored in the device for longer times, without being damaged, unlike paper files that easily get damages or attacked by insects. 4. Digital communication can be done over large distances through internet and other things. 5. It is comparatively cheaper and the work which requires a lot of people can be done simply by one person as folders and other such facilities can be maintained. 6. It removes semantic barriers because the written data can be easily chaned to different languages using software. 7. It provides facilities like video conferencing which save a lot of time, money and effort. 1.Circutary becomes simpler than AC. 2.Highly resistive to noise as we are dealing with binary digits. 3.Highly secure. 4.Can travel long distances and can store data for long time. 5.AS we have regenerative repeaters & reconstruction filters in the receiver section we can extract original signal transmitted 6. Error correcting and detecting is easy. 7. A comman format is used for different kind of message signal such as speech signal and video signal. 8. Flexibility in configuring digital communication. digital hardware implimentation is flexible and permit the use of LSI. microprocessors anmd digital switches. Disadvantages: 1. It is unreliable as the messages cannot be recognised by signatures. Though software can be developed for this, yet the software can be easily hacked. 2. Sometimes, the quickness of digital communication is harmful as messages can be sent with the click of a mouse. The person does not think and sends the message at an impulse. 3. Digital Communication has completely ignored the human touch. A personal touch cannot be established because all the computers will have the same font! 4. The establishment of Digital Communication causes degradation of the environment in some cases. â€Å"Electronic waste† is an example. The vibes given out by the telephone and cell phone towers are so strong that they can kill small birds. In fact the common sparrow has vanished due to so many towers coming up as the vibrations hit them on the head. 5. Digital Communication has made the whole word to be an â€Å"office.† The people carry their work to places where they are supposed to relax. The whole world has been made into an office. Even in the office, digital communication causes problems because personal messages can come on your cell phone, internet, etc. 6. Many people misuse the efficiency of Digital Communication. The sending of hoax messages, the usage by people to harm the society, etc cause harm to the society on the whole. What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Digital Communication Definition of Digital – A method of storing, processing and transmitting information through the use of distinct electronic or optical pulses that represent the binary digits 0 and 1. Advantages of Digital – Less expensive More reliable Easy to manipulate Flexible Compatibility with other digital systems Only digitised information can be transported through a noisy channel without degradation Integrated networks Disadvantages of Digital – Sampling Error Digital communications require greater bandwidth than analogue to transmit the same information. The detection of digital signals requires the communications system to be synchronised, whereas generally speaking this is not the case with analogue systems. 1.The first advantage of digital communication against anlog is it’s noise immunity.In any transmission path some unwanted voltage or noise is always present which cannot be eliminated fully.when signal is transmitted this noise gets added to the original signal causing the distortion of the signal.However in a digital communication at the receiving end this additive noise can be eliminated to great extent easily resulting in better recovery of actual signal.Incase of analog communication it’s difficult to remove the noise once added to the signal. is another priority of messaging services in modern days.Digital communication provides better security to messages than the analog communication.It can be achiev ed through various coding techniques available in digital communication. a digital communication the signal is digitised to a stream of 0 s and 1 s.So at the receiver side a simple decision has to me made whether received signal is a 0 or a 1.Accordingly the receiver circuit becomes simpler as compared to the analog receiver circuit. 4.Signal when travelling through it’s transmission path gets faded gradually.So on it’s path it needs to be reconstructed to it’s actual form and re-transmitted many times.For that reason AMPLIFIERS are used for analog communication and REPEATERS are used in digital communication.amplifiers are needed every 2 to 3 Kms apart where as repeaters are neede every 5 to 6 Kms apart.So definitely digital communication is cheaper.Amplifiers also often add non-linearities that distort the actual signal. 5.Bandwidth is another scarce resource.Various Digital communication techniques are available that use the available babdwidth much efficiently than analog communication techniques. 6.when audio and video signals are transmitted digitally an AD(Analog to Digital) converter is needed at tansmitting side and a DA(Digital to Analog) converter is again needed at receiver side.While transmitted in analog communication these devices are not needed. 7.Digital signals are often an approximation of the analog data(like voice or video) that is obtained through a process called quantisation.The digital representation is never the exact signal but it’s most closely approximated digital form.So it’s accuracy depends on the degree of approximation taken in quantisation process. .That not everyone has access to these sites .not everyone can use these sites . you can never trust sites like this because you dont know who or were the person is reading your message Social networking is the process of finding friends and of managing friendships through the internet. People who wish to meet others on line put up their most compelling and attractive presentations through their profile pages. They join groups and communicate with others by commenting on topics or by introducing topics that hope to encourage discussion. The advantages are endless. A person can protect privacy by putting up fake addresses, birthdates, addresses and symbolic images, making the profile private and for friends only. Privacy is ensured by exercising caution when posting personal and biographical information and photos. The amount of personal data that is made available should be highly customizable, or it is best to find a site that provides better privacy features. The disadvantages are also endless. Social networking sites can sell your personal information to anyon e who wants to buy it, including spammers and on line predators. Even if the terms of understanding claim that no personal information will be sold, the site can change its policy at any time. If blogs or other original content is published at a site, the site can take over copyright privileges in unlimited ways. Few writers, artists and musicians are aware of this and forget to read the terms of understanding in order to find out what can happen to their works. True identity is never known unless people meet in person. While it is a myth that, without body language, a person’s behavior and personality can never be understood, there is never a way to get a person’s complete behavior and personality profile strictly through on line interaction. There are too many people on line and in social networking sites. The tendency is to head for the biggest party, but the biggest party is also the most challenging place for conversation that leads to more understanding and more fruitful interactions. It is daunting and time consuming, but the best way to find people is through the forums and groups. The most dangerous people are the sparky and outgoing personas who want to become an instant best friend to total strangers. There is too much relentless and suspicious pressure from some who wish to impose their demands for personal information on others. They make one good point, which is that it is creepy to have a person show up in a group or to start inviting people to be friends when they have an empty Social networking is the process of finding friends and of managing friendships through the internet. People who wish to meet others on line put up their most compelling and attractive presentations through their profile pages. They join groups and communicate with others by commenting on topics or by introducing topics that hope to encourage discussion.The disadvantages are also endless. Social networking sites can sell your personal information to anyone who wants to buy it, including spammers and on line predators. Even if the terms of understanding claim that no personal information will be sold, the site can change its policy at any time. If blogs or other original content is published at a site, the site can take over copyright privileges in unlimited ways. Few writers, artists and musicians are aware of this and forget to read the terms of understanding in order to find out what can happen to their works. True identity is never known unless people meet in person. While it is a myth that, without body language, a person’s behavior and personality can never be understood, there is never a way to get a person’s complete behavior and personality profile strictly through on line interaction. There are too many people on line and in social networking sites. The tendency is to head for the biggest party, but the biggest party is also the most challenging place for conversation that leads to more understanding and more fruitful interactions. It is daunting and time consuming, but the best way to find people is through the forums and groups. The most dangerous people are the sparky and outgoing personas who want to become an instant best friend to total strangers. There is too much relentless and suspicious pressure from some who wish to impose their demands for personal information on others. They make one good point, which is that it is creepy to have a person show up in a group or to start inviting people to be friends when they have an empty or hidden profile. There is a happy medium where limited and safe information can be put up, but there can be far too much manipulation and aggression involved with getting others to give up age, location, real photos and far too much detail about themselves in public profiles. It is sad when a group holds an in-person event or meeting and only some members can travel or pay for a trip to meet everyone. This happens in the best and most well founded groups, but creates a rift between those who have met in real life and those who have to confine their interaction to the group posts.In summary, there are dangers, irritants, untrustworthy processes, such as selling registration information, and there are untrustworthy people who are active in social networking. The savvy social networker takes time to establish solid friendships and memberships in groups, has a skeptical mind, and holds back when prompted to give up too much personal information or to interact with total strangers. 1. addicting and waste of time. 2. cyber trolls and cyber threats. 3. can disturb your real social life. 4. noneducational 5. much radiation from computer screens. Social networking sites have become exceedingly popular in recent years. This increased popularity has caused concern among many parents about how these sites are affecting their children. Parents are becoming aware of many disadvantages of social networking sites including their affect on a child’s ability to concentrate. Constant online communication affects children, making it difficult for them to communicate and concentrate when away from the screen. It is, therefore, important for parents to monitor their children’s online social interactions and place a time limit on how long they can spend on the computer. Notable among the disadvantages of social networking sites is the presence of cyber bullying. Parents should monitor their children’s online social interactions to prevent them from becoming victims of cyber bullying. Social networking can affect children negatively if they are inadvertently dragged into some sort of cyber bullying, which may lead to teen suicides. Social networking affects children to the extent that social networks sometimes encourage interpersonal relations that are unrealistic. A child’s online interactions with people who could influence them in a negative manner may expose them to quite serious threats and potential dangers. Sometimes a child’s online social interactions may not be appropriate. The luxury of hiding behind a screen where they are unknown gives them the opportunity to say anything. This freedom could result in fights or online bullying. Despite their disadvantages, social networking sites have many advantages. Children may make some good friends online, become more aware of current affairs, and get career guidance. A child’s online social interactions, if properly monitored, can be beneficial to their career and life. Social networking affects communication among children, which can be both positive and negative. The disadvantages of social networking sites can be offset by having some kind of plan in place where parents can supervise their child’s Internet activities. Children should be educated about how online communication affects them and about the negative effects their online social interactions may have. Advantages: * Social skills. Facebook allows kids to keep up with current friends and make new ones. When used in the right way, social media can increase a child’s self-esteem and help them feel less isolated. * Self-expression. A Facebook page gives a child their own â€Å"home page† on the web, where they can express themselves and talk about their interests. They can join groups and support fan pages, and find out what other people are interested in. * Digital competence. Managing a Facebook page teaches a child how to post comments and photos, and how to navigate the web. Having good online social media skills will be increasingly important as they get older. * Educational development. A majority of tweens and teens use social networking to discuss school work. Shared discussions about school assignments is one of the best reasons to allow access to social networks. Disadvantages: * Kids can be mean. However much you school your child on the right way to behave online, you cannot stop other children from posting mean comments. * A Facebook account is a gateway to the whole Internet. It’s impossible to isolate a Facebook account from the rest of the Internet – links and click-through ads are everywhere. If you think your child is too young to explore the Internet or cannot be trusted to remain within the Facebook environment, then a Facebook account is a bad idea. * Beware of friends of friends. Often times it’s not your child’s friends that are the problem, it’s friends of friends. When your child accepts a friend request, make sure you check out their page and their list of friends. (If you are friends with your child, you need to be careful with your page too!)

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