Thursday, September 26, 2019

Where Human Life First Begins Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Where Human Life First Begins - Coursework Example Mr. Will is the main root cause of the death of both Asha and her baby. The law must regard him to this manslaughter and convict him. It is important to note that murder is not necessarily executed using a weapon. It is also psychological caused death. Mr. Will is the father of the unborn baby never appreciated and loved the pregnancy. His hate began the moment Asha told him she was pregnant. This ended their happy five-year stay since Mr. Will was unhappy. The situation even moved from worse to worst when his attempts to persuade Asha to abort went in vain. This shows that Mr. Will had planned to kill the baby earlier through abortion. He had knowledge that abortion is illegal since it kills life and risky to the mother too. The intentions of Mr. Will to force abortion could also have killed Asha and Will knew that after the abortion the baby could die.Moreover, the gestation period of the fetus was cut short due to the violence. When Will hit Asha and she fell down stairs that are when Will actually killed the baby. According to the scientist, domestic violence is noted to be one of the modifiable risk factors that mainly result in adverse pregnancy outcomes (CDC 2013). In the world today, approximately 26.7% of pregnant women are physically abused during pregnancy (CDC 2013). The physical abuses include being beaten up, threatened with a weapon or verbally or even being thrown away. Out of the numbers, 10.9% of all those physical violence have ended up in premature births (CDC 2013).

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